Friday, January 18, 2013

winter term reflection

What was good about it ?
I like that it was fun. I had a nice teacher, Mrs.Curtiss. Winter term was also good because it gave me a start on how my semester is going to go.

What is not good about it ?
I didn't like that we only had two classes. They day could have went by faster if we had more classes. Also I didn't like that we had to come before the regular college kids.

What would I change?
I would change the lunch hour to make it longer, and we have more classes. Also combining Imed classes.

Monday, January 7, 2013

good/bad book covers

 1. It is a good cover because it is simple and symmetric
 2. This is a good cover because it is balanced and the author gets his point across in the picture


1. There is too much going on in this cover.
2. There is no balance. The colors are everywhere and I don't know what to read first.

Yearbook Idea

My idea theme for the Richland Collegiate yearbook is culture. I am really big on different styles, so I think it could be incorporated in the yearbook some how.
Richland is very diverse in cultures. There are many ethnicities and groups at Richland.
My idea is to have a picture of the world on the front cover, then like a person from different time errors to represent each culture.
 My color would be Red and black. I can also throw in the thunderduck.